Shannon Lawlor, of Shannon Lawlor Fine Arts, is an artist and horsewoman who has lived and breathed horses and the modern West all of her life. Originally from Manitoba, Canada, Shannon currently resides in Alberta, Canada. Shannon’s experiences around horses has given her a unique eye for detail in her work as well as the ability to, somehow, capture the very essence of the horse in her paintings. Her artwork is sought after worldwide and it has earned a multitude of awards.

Spirit Farm (SF): Can you tell us how and when you first fell in love with horses?

Shannon:  Before I can remember – it was as a child.

SF:  Do you have a favourite breed to photograph/draw/paint? If yes, what makes this breed stand out to you?

Shannon: I love all horses. Good horses, that do things well.

SF:  What do you consider your greatest achievement in the horse world and what would be your legacy?

Shannon:  I worked with Peter Campbell and started hundreds of colts during this time. Knowing how horses think and using this to halter break and start a colt, with their self-preservation intact, is my greatest achievement in the horse world.

SF:  If your horses could talk, what would they say about you?

Shannon:  I don’t own any horses at present but the ones I am around when I work them would say I always give them the benefit of the doubt. That I get them to be with people and never compromise their integrity.

SF:  How have horses changed your life?

Shannon:  Horses have shaped my entire life from before I can remember. Everything I do in this life is in relation to them.

SF: What would be the horse’s message to mankind?

Shannon: Learn how horses operate, learn how to be with horses and all animals and truly understand their way of thinking. Horses have a much smaller frontal lobe, than humans, so they do not think like us. Learn that and you’ll be much further ahead with your horsemanship. And  be considerate to the horse. Always.

Thank you, Shannon,  for taking the time to share your experiences with Spirit Farm Gypsy Cobs and their followers.