Q & A with Rhonda Bignell


Rhonda Bignell grew up riding through the bush and open meadows of the range, in cattle country, around Williams Lake, British Columbia. As a teenager she began her equine career as a trail guide and then training horses. Over the past 30+ years, she has competed in open shows, dressage, endurance racing and team cattle penning, at a National level. Rhonda has continued to learn and update her skills and knowledge by taking clinics from some of the top clinicians in North America.

She moved to Alberta to work as a pen checker; riding in cattle feedlots, checking for and treating sick cattle. She then went on to work as a wrangler and feed manager at a buffalo ranch. Rhonda is a certified Equine Canada Western Competition Coach as well as an AEF General Performance Judge. She currently owns and manages Hawkstone stables, a horse boarding facility for 60+ horses, as well as Thunder Ridge Trails Ranch, a trail riding business, with her husband and son. 

Spirit Farm Gypsy Cobs (SFGC):  Can you tell us how and when you first fell in love with horses?

Rhonda:  When I was two or three years old, I used to pretend the magazine rack was a horse and ride it.


SFGC: Do you have a favorite breed to work with? If yes, what makes this breed stand out for you?

Rhonda:  I love a good horse, it doesn’t matter to me what breed it is or even if it’s registered. One breed that stands out for me in my lesson string is the Arabian. It is the one breed that most often seems to recognize when a child is riding and look after them.

SFGC: Who is/was your heart horse?

Rhonda: My black Arabian gelding, DP Black Damien, aka “Diamond”. He had the most gentle soul I’ve ever seen. We always put weanlings in with him because he loved to take care of babies. He always tried his best, for everyone, whether it was in the show ring or wrangling buffalo.

SFGC: What do you consider your greatest achievement in the horse world and what would be your legacy?

Rhonda: For me, personally, aspiring to one goal or one big moment can leave a feeling of let-down or emptiness. Instead, I aspire to continue learning and moving forward, whether it’s coaching, riding, or horse care. I love to teach beginners and people who are new to riding.  My legacy is the number of people who now enjoy horses and discovered that joy with me.

SFGC: If your horses could talk, what would they say about you?

Rhonda:  Firm but fair. I know where I stand with Rhonda and I feel safe and confident when she’s riding and handling me.

SFGC: How have horses changed your life?

Rhonda: I love that horses have made it possible for me to work with my husband and son on a daily basis and that my daughter and granddaughter have horses in their lives as well. It’s a great lifestyle.

SFGC: What would be the horse’s message to mankind?

Rhonda: Stop and smell the horses; don’t let human ambition make you forget what is great and wonderful about having a horse in your life.

Thank you, Rhonda, for taking the time to share your experiences with Spirit Farm Gypsy Cobs and their followers.