Jen Maciej is an Equine Canada certified instructor who teaches locally in Alberta, Canada and also travels to conduct clinics. She is a Canadian Cowboy Challenge Judge and is certified to do EC Western Rider level testing at all levels. Jen describes herself as a ‘lifetime student’ in the horse industry who is passionate about learning and sharing what she learns with others. Jen is currently in the process of starting up Amethyst Equine Connections where she hopes to continue her current work while expanding her practice to incorporate Equine Facilitated Wellness (EFW). We wish you every success on your path Jen!
“If you want to reach a goal, you must ‘see the reaching’ in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.” Zig Ziglar

Spirit Farm (SF): Can you tell us how and when you first fell in love with horses?
Jen: My Mom put me on a horse as soon as I could sit upright! I am 40 now and still addicted to horses. I started riding with my Mom and then my Gramma Merlyn. I took jumping lessons and rode at a local barn for many years where I learned a lot. In my teens I toured with a clinician for a summer. At the age of 18 I got my first ‘real job’ at a barn and this taught me more about what I didn’t want to see in the horse industry than what I did. I am glad I was smart enough to recognize the difference and to leave that situation. After that I had a bit of a “break” while starting a family. I returned to doing summer camps, training other people’s horses and teaching and then at the age of 33 bought my first horse!
Our current critter numbers are as follows:
7 full sized horses
3 mini horses
1 mini donkey
2 alpacas
2 dogs
A lot of cats
14 chickens
2 bunnies
A bunch of fish
Do kids count? ‘Cause we’ve got 7 of those…..
SF: How would you describe your current occupation/job title?
Jen: The bestest ever!! I get to share my love and passion with others! I’m a coach, Mom, partner and a lifelong learner.
SF: Do you have a favourite breed of horse to work with? If yes, what makes this breed stand out to you?
Jen: Andalusians lately, I love their disposition. But really, it depends on what each person brings out in any breed of horse.
SF: Who is/was your heart horse?
Jen: Sultan was. He was ½ Arabian and ½ Quarter Horse.
SF: What do you consider your greatest achievement in the horse world and what would be your legacy?

Jen: I asked my kids because I don’t think of any one thing as my “greatest achievement”. They said my accepted application to Cavalia – which I never did because of having kids. My legacy… I hope many now enjoy a similar passion <3 and maybe that I started a not for profit group, Western Dressage Association
of Northern Alberta.
SF: If your horses could talk, what would they say about you?
Jen: I would hope that they’d say thank-you for listening :)
SF: How have horses changed your life?
Jen: They have been a constant, non-judgmental companion through every stage of my journey and continue to be an amazing and important part of my life.
SF: What would be the horse’s message to mankind?
Jen: Be patient and kind to one another <3
Thank you, Jen Maciej, for taking the time to share your experiences with Spirit Farm Gypsy Cobs and their followers.