SD Simply the One

DOB: 01-Jan-11

Dam: SD Simply The Best

Sire: SD Woolly Mammoth

Genetic Testing: aa, Ee, W20/n, TO/n

(no dominant agouti, one Black variant detected and one Red, one dominant White 20 variant detected, one Tobiano variant detected. As a result of the variant count, he has a minimum 50% chance of passing Red or Black, and 50% Dominant White 20 and/or Tobiano to any offspring)

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SD Simply The One
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SD Simply The One

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SD Woolly Mammoth
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SD Simply The Best
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SD Simply The One
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SD Simply the One
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SD Simply The One
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SD Simply The One
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SD Simply The One, or “Joe”, is a Gypsy Cob stallion here at Spirit Farm Gypsy Cobs Inc. He is full brother to SD My Way and SD Beat That. What you’ll find when you meet him is that, more than his sweet face, outstanding feather (easily the most of anyone in our herd), bone, and his carriage, it is Joe’s kindness and heart that shine through in person. He truly has the spirit and soul we hope to embody here at the farm. He is one in a million and we hope to have him in our therapy program later this year.  He is the horse in our farm logo.